A sex crime accusation is an embarrassing ordeal you could experience. Also, this type of accusation does not only impact you but also your family and the community. A mere sex crime accusation may have life-changing consequences and may also end your career. When convicted of a sex crime, the harm it causes to your life will be irreparable.
Sex crime convictions carry long prison sentences, possible targeting by co-inmates, and cumbersome monitoring requirements once you are released from prison. Because of the serious consequences of a conviction, it’s important to reach out to a Massachusetts sex crimes defense lawyer for legal help. Sex crimes include sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, rape, child pornography, statutory rape, child molestation, prostitution, incest, lewd conduct, and others.
Defending Your Rights from the Get-Go
An experienced criminal defense attorney who has successfully handled sex crime cases can provide you with early legal representation. They can perform initial investigations and work through the final trial. If necessary, they can handle appeals to achieve the best outcome for you.
The initial phase in a sex crime case is crucial. Your attorney can even work with you before you are arrested on a sex crime charge. This lets them help and advise you on requests that police and prosecutors may solicit.
Your attorney must hear your version of what occurred that led to your arrest and the charges. They understand that the testimony of the people involved in the case may be conflicted and implausible. Because a lot of sex crime charges are based on the testimony of the alleged victim, your attorney should assess how to approach your accuser at trial and whether you must testify in court to tell your side of the story. To come to a decision, your lawyer must assess all potential strategies before they take a certain course of action.
Sex Crime Convictions May Lead to Lasting Consequences
Aside from prison time and monetary penalties, a sex crime conviction can leave you facing punitive measures such as probation, non-contact order imposition, mandatory sex offender registration, loss or reduction of child custody, enrollment in education programs for sex offenders, damaged relationships, and loss of employment.
Because of these possible consequences, you need a defense attorney who will help protect your career, freedom, and reputation. This attorney will use their experience to navigate the penal and justice system in Massachusetts to achieve the best outcome.