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Debunking Personal Injury Myths: Expert Analysis from a Georgia Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury law is designed to protect the rights of victims who got injured as a result of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. It applies to all types of accidents, including auto accidents, slip and fall accidents, and truck accidents. While personal injury claims are common, they are not always fully understood. There are several myths related to personal injury cases. This results in victims often being unsure whether their cases qualify as personal injury cases and whether they will be able to manage the complexity of such cases. Let us debunk some of the most common personal injury myths. 

Myth #1: Injuries are Not Worth a Personal Injury Claim

One of the most common myths about personal injury cases is that victims do not need to file a claim for minor injuries. This can be a big mistake especially if the injury ends up costing more than what was expected.  For example, there are several types of injuries that may seem minor at first but can worsen over time. If you have documented your injury with proper medical records,  you may not have the required evidence to file a strong personal injury claim at a later stage. This is why most personal injury lawyers encourage clients to file for personal injury claims, even if the injuries are minor. 

Myth #2: All Personal Injury Cases Go to Trial

The majority of personal injury cases are settled out of court. The myth that all personal injury cases go to trial often discourages victims from filing a claim. When a case goes to trial, it adds more cost and time to the timeline. It is understandable why some claimants would not want their case to go to trial. You can have your attorney facilitate an out-of-court settlement through negotiations with the opposing party. 

Myth # 3: Personal Injury Cases Can Be Filed at Any Time

There are statutes of limitations for personal injury cases. This means there is a limited time for the injured to take legal action. In the state of Georgia, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is two years from the date of the incident that led to the injury. If you miss this deadline, you may have to forgo your rights to file a claim. However, there are some exceptions to the statute of limitations, so talk to an experienced personal injury attorney to learn if you can still file for a personal injury claim. 

Myth #4: Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer is Expensive 

What is expensive to one person, might not be to the other. So whether something is expensive or not, is a highly subjective matter. In any case, the expenses of hiring a personal injury lawyer is significantly less compared to the expenses of a personal injury case where you don’t get full and fair compensation for your suffering. Some attorneys also offer to take your case on the basis of contingency fees, so you will only pay if you win the case. 

Myth #5: Pain and Suffering Damages Are Not Worth Much

Pain and suffering damages include emotional distress, trauma, anxiety, depression, and other intangible impacts of injuries. Some would argue that pain and suffering damages are worth even more than economic expenses such as medical bills. If you suffer pain and suffering, and you can prove that, you can get a substantial amount of compensation for your suffering. To prove pain and suffering you can present evidence such as expert testimony and medical records for treatment of such conditions. You can turn to a trusted Georgia personal injury lawyer for professional guidance on how to get maximum compensation for your injuries. 

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