Lawyer SEO is all about connecting clients to attorneys. But when it comes to proving the guilt of a defendant in a personal injury lawsuit, there are still some mistakes you don’t want to make. Push too hard and you risk coming across as overzealous and unstable, a problem for the court. But if you don’t put enough effort into telling your side of the story, the defendant, or defendants may very well get off free without any accountability. So, what shouldn’t you do? Keep reading, as there are five things you shouldn’t do to prove the defendant’s guilt.
1. Break the Law
Your lawyer will handle the investigative work. So, there’s simply no need to get your hands too dirty searching for information. Some surveillance techniques, for example, might be considered stalking in some states. Breaking and entering into the defendant’s home isn’t a good idea, is it? Neither is making threats or resorting to violence to get the individual or company to take ownership of guilt. Better to be patient and relentless in your search for the truth. Breaking the law will merely cause others to doubt your credibility.
2. Bribe the Defendant
While harassing the defendant is bad enough, offering a defendant money in exchange for the truth won’t do you much good if you’re trying to seek accountability. For one, the monetary reward will be of much smaller value. And on top of that, you could also create a conflict that prevents a judge from hearing your case. Bribery may seem like an easy way to get a defendant to tell the truth. But a defendant who will accept cash in exchange for information is also someone who could be doing everything possible to manipulate you. So, keep your money in your pocket and head for trial. You’ll feel more confident about yourself overall if you do.
3. Assume You Know Everything
One thing is for sure, assuming you know everything about the case and the defendant is a bad idea. For starters, you’ll open yourself up to getting beat at trial, especially since neither you nor the lawyer can know everything there is to know. Some answers in a trial are hard to find. Some witnesses don’t want to talk. Others will lie. Even when you have a solid case to present to a judge, anything your lawyer hasn’t addressed happens to be material the defense can use to keep you from winning damages. Be sure to have an open mind about what you think you know. Tell your lawyer the whole side of the story. Not just the details that you think are worth knowing.
4. Give up on Your Investigation
Last but not least, don’t give up on your investigation. During discovery, there will be some phases of the case that you might want to look into yourself. Other times, your attorney will be in charge of the whole investigation. Either way, it’s important not to stop looking for information to build your case. Where there are opportunities to hide the details, there is also a chance to find something new. Don’t give up on your investigation until your lawyer tells you to let go. You very well might have some positive news coming, as long as you hang onto hope.
While lawyer SEO websites connect clients to attorneys, working with a lawyer doesn’t mean the defendant will automatically be proven guilty, no matter what you think. There are plenty of issues that could go wrong. Plenty of information that you haven’t found yet. Give your attorney a chance to best represent you. And as long as you’re telling the truth, there’s a chance you can get the justice you always deserved.